Make Mine Multiversity

Make Mine Multiversity Episode 95: "Hawkeye" By Fraction & Aja Part 1: Hawkguy Meet Hawkeye



It's Hawkeye time! Specifically 2012's classic by Matt Fraction, David Aja, Matt Hollingsworth, and Chris Eliopolous (with Annie Wu and Francesco Francivilla rounding out the regular artists.) Jaina and Elias revisit the first eleven issues of this seminal classic about a sad sack avenger, a different sad sack YOUNG avenger, and an apartment building in Bed-Stuy. Does it hold up? Yes. Duh. Is it still a perfect masterpiece? Welllllllll.....Next episode, things get coastal as we check in on the back half of "Hawkeye" with #12-22 and the annual! That's volumes 3 & 4 of the trades and there is no set order because existence is pain and trust us we get into it. Comics!