Bootcamp Blueprint: How Personal Trainers Can Grow Their Bootcamp!

BroScience Ep 25: Precision Health: The right program for the right person



Welcome to Fitness Education Online PodcastThis week on the  BroScience team: Have you ever asked yourself why some clients seem to respond AMAZING to your programs, while others get no benefit, or even regress? Precision Health Alliance looks to tackle this problem using the powerful app SHAE. Precision Health you identify the right diet, training program, sleep routine, and more for the right person. Follow and ask questions to @the.sportingdoctor on insta or #thesportingdoctor in the Fitness Education Online Community Group. --Note: Podcast episodes are hosted by either Jono Petrohilos or Travis Mattern of  Fitness Education the link below to join our Community Facebook Group (we have over 13 000 Fitness Professionals / Personal Trainers in there and we all share tips and ideas) Lifestyle Solutions with Maya AcostaFood & exercise as medicine, meditate, breathe and sleep. This is lifestyle medicine.Listen on: Apple Podcasts