Center Point Assembly

Purpose of the Tribulation - Audio



Sunday, July 3, 2022 – We have been speaking about the "End Times" over the past number of weeks, preparing us for what God has in store. Today’s message is talking about the “Purpose of the Tribulation”. We must understand the nature of God is justice always with the intention of redemption. God’s purpose for mankind is to restore a relationship with the fallen nature of men, as provided through the salvation of Jesus' sacrificial death and resurrection. The 7-year tribulation period between the Rapture (the taking away of the Church) and the 2nd Coming of Christ has multiple purposes. Yes, this will be when God pours out His wrath on the ungodly and unrepentant people inspired by Satan and his demonic followers for the purpose of removing evil and sin from the world. At the same, God is using this time of judgment and great trouble in the world to continue to provide a way of redemption for all those that would still receive Jesus as their savior and Messiah. Today,