Cashflow Diary | Influenced By Robert Kiyosaki Of Rich Dad About Real Estate Investing, Cash Flow And Passive Income.

CFD 426 - Relationship Secrets and the Becoming a Better Leader



Scott Kriens, one of the founding fathers of the modern internet, reveals why the quality of your relationships determines the quality of your life. Scott Kriens is the Chairman and former CEO of Juniper Networks. In 2010, Kriens and his wife Joanie founded 1440 Foundation and are now building 1440 Multiversity, a state-of- the-art immersive learning destination opening in May 2017 in Santa Cruz County, CA. The 75-acre campus will offer weekend and 5-day courses taught by world-class faculty, house up to 375 guests and support individuals in leading more integrated lives.    Podcast Highlights Who is Scott Kriens? Scott started out as simply curious about the way things worked. You can learn a lot more by listening than you can by talking. Scott’s path to the CEO of Juniper Networks started with learning early on that he should rely on his own judgement. After his experience in the computer industry of the 1980’s Scott was part of a company that went public. This later on put him into a position to get in o