

Michael Mindes is the Founder and CEO of Tasty Minstrel Games (TMG) which is a multiple award-winning publisher of hobby board games. In this capacity, he grew TMG from a side business into a company approaching $2,000,000 in annual revenues, a team of 10 people, and all without any outside investment. As of October 17th, 2016 - TMG has receiving $2,546,682 in funds from Backers on Kickstarter from 26 individual hobby board gaming projects.     Podcast Highlights Who is Michael Mindes? Michael started off when he was four years old playing games like Candy Land and trying to figure out ways to make the game better. He graduated to chess as he got older and later on to Magic: the Gathering. In the early 2000’s, Michael discovered German style board games like Settlers of Catan. Essentially, Michael has been immersed in the world of games for the last three decades. What made you decide that making games could be a business? Michael originally decided to become a financial advisor after becoming a father in