

Tom Cafarella always dreamed of following in his grandfather’s footsteps (a very successful landlord) and become a successful real estate mogul. Instead, he followed everyone’s advice and took on a traditional 9-to-5 job as an accountant. The problem: his heart was in real estate investing. It didn’t take long to get fired from his job due to his daydreaming about his passion. On this episode of the CashFlow Diary Podcast, Tom shares that if he were to go back and do it all over again he would find a coach that is successful in whatever field he was looking into and align himself with them. The hardest part of going out on your own is the trial and error process, if you can shorten that time you will make money a lot faster and ramp your business up a lot quicker. By having some you can work with that’s a little bit ahead of you, you can limit your downside.