

Jeanne  Bliss is  Founder  and  President  of  Customer Bliss  and  Co-Founder  of  The  Customer  Experience Professionals  Association.  She  is  the  bestselling  author  of  Chief  Customer  Officer  2.0:  How  to  Build Your  Customer-Driven  Growth  Engine  and  the  new  book  WOULD  YOU  DO  THAT  TO  YOUR  MOTHER? The  "Make  Mom  Proud"  Standard  for  How  to  Treat  Your  Customers.    Podcast Highlights Who is Jeanne Bliss? Jeanne is the daughter of a man who owned a Buster Brown shoe store. In the course of selling shoes, Jeanne’s father became a part of his customer’s lives and people stood in a line two blocks long to say goodbye when he closed the store. He instilled the spirit of entrepreneurship in his children on the way. Even when Jeanne was working in the corporate world, she was very entrepreneurial and her focus on the experience of the customer and the employees lead her to become the conscience of the company she worked for. She went on to work for Mazda, Coldwell Banker,