

Edna Keep, author of Multiple Ways To Wealth: Creating Your Prosperous Lifestyle and real estate investment teacher, has a deep understanding of what investors want in a deal. As a former financial advisor, Edna helps connect investors with everyday people who want to create true passive income for the long term. Edna’s team has a portfolio of $60 Million they built in less than ten years on primarily multifamily units and primarily with none of their own money. Her process is proven, which she now teaches through coaching and her Mastermind groups. Edna lives near Regina, Saskatchewan between Calgary and Winnipeg with her husband Warren and teenage daughters Desiree and Dhani.   Podcast Highlights Who is Edna Keep? Edna recalls a teacher that once told her she was very social and if she could only channel that ability, she would inevitably become successful, despite the fact that she was barely passing his class! Whenever Edna has a challenge, she tends to call her key people and brainstorm with them, she