

Matthew is the CEO and Founder of QuantmRE, a cryptocurrency startup that supports homeowners by helping them sell a fraction of the equity in their home without taking on more debt. A seasoned entrepreneur, Matthew has a proven track record in real estate innovation through his experiences as Co-Founder of the $50M Secured Real Estate Income Strategies Fund, and as Founder and President of, a real estate crowdfunding company. Previously a stockbroker and corporate financier in the City of London, he worked with Richard Branson’s corporate finance team, was appointed Director and Trustee of Virgin’s London Air Ambulance, is a helicopter pilot in his spare time and is the host of his own podcast, “Hooked On Startups.” Podcast Highlights   Who is Matthew Sullivan? The question is are you born an entrepreneur or do you become one? Matthew wasn’t one of those people who were entrepreneurs at the age of 7, but he has always been fascinated with challenges that were not the focus of his current