

After starting and selling two successful businesses in the United States, Andrew left the country to travel the world and become a true nomad capitalist. While he always had an independent, entrepreneurial streak, he had followed the conventional wisdom of the time in a few ways that ended up costing him. He had invested a sizable portion of his money in mutual funds and real estate. When the stock market crashed in 2008, much of his savings disappeared and sensing the risks of the looming mortgage loan crisis, he managed to get out just in time and avoided losing even more money. On top of this, he had also just taken a huge loss in taxes after selling the businesses. The feeling of losing the fruits of his labor to something out of his control was quite devastating. It was extremely depressing to realize that while crony capitalists were succeeding at manipulating government policy, job creators running small businesses like him were essentially getting the shaft. While Andrew knew something was wrong with