

David Neagle is the bestselling author of The Millions Within: How to Manifest Exactly What You Want and Have an EPIC Life!. He is one of the architects of the coaching and personal growth industry, and has spoken or worked alongside Bob Proctor, Marianne Morrisey, and Tony Robbins.   Podcast Highlights Who is David Neagle? David was a person that was truly confused about the meaning of life. He came from a place of dysfunction in childhood and sought the answers to his questions from his teachers, parents, and mentors but no one could answer him. He ended up venturing on his own and turned into a curious kid on the wrong path in life. He could really relate to the idea of “I don’t like what I am doing, but I don’t know what to go do.” At some point, David made the decision to follow the desires of his own heart which put him into a different emotional state, and his results soon changed as well. He wanted to set up his life so that he could do what he loved, with the people he loved. Why do we feel like w