Cashflow Diary | Influenced By Robert Kiyosaki Of Rich Dad About Real Estate Investing, Cash Flow And Passive Income.

Private Lending Secrets From The Private Money Authority



Jay Conner has been buying and selling houses for 14 years and has been involved in over 52 Million dollars in transactions. For the past 7 years, Jay has completely automated his 7-Figure Income Business to where he works in his business less than 10 hours per week. He is a leading expert on Private Lending, once raising over $2M in less than 90 Days in private money while cut off from the banks. He is a contributing author to the best-selling book Real Estate: Getting Deals Done In The New Economy.   Podcast Highlights Who is Jay Conner? Jay didn’t grow up thinking he would be a real estate investor but he was raised in the housing business. Jay saw the potential of real estate investing in the early 90’s when a couple of friends had the opportunity to renovate and improve a property that their father put up the money for. They split the profit on the sale of that property and used it as the downpayment for their first home. That stuck in his head and he moved out of the corporate world to start flipping