

James Arthur Ray is considered one of the world’s foremost leadership and performance advisors, coaches and consultants. He began his career consulting with C-Level Executives at the AT&T School of Business. It was here that he realized his purpose for helping others find their unique gifts, and then leveraging them to take their life and business to new levels. His extensive study of behavioral sciences, experience as an entrepreneur, and tireless quest for spiritual knowledge gives him a unique and powerful ability to address issues in both life and business from an integrated level; much deeper and more fulfilling than most can accomplish. His company hit The Inc. 500 in 2009 as one of the fastest growing privately held companies in the United States. James was featured in the film documentary “The Secret,” a ground-breaking feature-length film, and New York Times bestseller. James has been interviewed in numerous national media outlets including a full-feature article in Fortune Magazine, People Magaz