Cashflow Diary | Influenced By Robert Kiyosaki Of Rich Dad About Real Estate Investing, Cash Flow And Passive Income.

Consistency Beats Intensity, Finding Abundance With Real Estate Investing



In 2015, Paul Thompson wanted out. His corporate office had become a suffocating cell. Paul decided to start buying rental houses, build passive income and break the chains of Corporate America. He was so successful, he secured 20 deals in his first 18 months of investing. Since that time he has acquired more than 2 dozen rentals without bank financing. Now he teaches others how to raise money from regular people that have some funds to invest. In addition to coaching others and still investing himself, Paul hosts a podcast to educate others. Ready Investor One offers tips, hacks, insights and more for listeners interested in creating opportunities for passive income. “Level Up Your Life through real estate investing.”   Podcast Highlights Who is Paul Thompson? Paul was a normal average person working in corporate America trying to climb the corporate ladder. Eventually he realized that the ladder he was climbing was against the wrong wall and needed to find a way out. He started looking for way to replace