

Ron Coury is a former casino dealer and a realtor, as well as a partner in restaurants and gaming bars, major graphics and glass companies, and several automobile dealerships. He is a board member of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department Foundation and bestselling author of Tenacity: A Vegas Businessman Survives Brooklyn, the Marines, Corruption and Cancer to Achieve the American Dream: A True Life Story.   Podcast Highlights Who is Ron Coury? When Ron was 12 years old he went to your average small school in Brooklyn and his parents gave him a wooden shoe shine box for Christmas. Not only did it held  him avoid being punished in school for not having shined shoes, Ron started shining shoes for $0.10 before school. His experience making money when he was young led him to the belief that he was niche finder and when you find a niche you can do better than others, you should take a shot at it. Ron was drafted to fight in the Vietnam war after he dropped one of his college classes, he was trained for war