

RC Peck, sits at the intersection of money and human behavior. For over 20 years he's helped people hear what their money is trying to tell them. His struggle with dyslexia, watching his parents' life savings get embezzled, and his background in Neuro-Linguistic-Programming (NLP), taught him to question the obvious. He now uses his ability to see what others can't see which brings clarity and insight to a world that is often described as confusing and overwhelming. His fearless wealth message is clear. Listen to your money. It's trying to tell you how to get the life you want.     Podcast Highlights Who is RC Peck? The first answer that came to RC was a time when he was in 7th grade and taking martial arts. He was able to buy throwing stars for $2 and take them to school and sell them for $8, it was just something made sense for him to do. It just came naturally, he saw the excitement in others and the opportunity became obvious. RC didn’t know that he was dyslexic until his 30’s, all th