Cashflow Diary | Influenced By Robert Kiyosaki Of Rich Dad About Real Estate Investing, Cash Flow And Passive Income.

You Can’t Please Everyone… and You SHOULDN’T! - Replay



Recently I read an interesting article about how being a people-pleaser is actually a selfish act. Then I found a quote by motivational speaker and life manifestation coach Christine Hassler that lays it down straight. She says, “People pleasing is a terrible investment, because it depletes your most valuable resources: your time and energy. Just think about how much energy you waste by obsessing about what other people think of you or trying to strategize your actions to appease others” I couldn’t have put it better myself! People pleasing isn’t something that works well for real estate investors. That’s because you’re going to have to say NO sometimes. For instance, you’re going to have to say no to some investors. Just because someone has money doesn’t make him/her the right person to invest in your deal. You’re also going to have to learn to say no to deals, to potential partners, to buyers and to sellers.  Everything has to be in alignment with your Investor Identity. That’s the secret sauce!   As you m