Cashflow Diary | Influenced By Robert Kiyosaki Of Rich Dad About Real Estate Investing, Cash Flow And Passive Income.

8 THINGS TO GIVE UP - Negative Thinking Serves NO ONE… - Replay



As a real estate investor, success comes to you once you understand whom you serve. So, let me ask you something… Are you serving anyone well (or at all) by allowing negative thoughts to intrude the corners of your mind and walk all over your goals? You’re certainly not doing yourself any good, and unless your intent is to attract negativity to your life, you need to stop negative thinking now. I MEAN RIGHT NOW. That’s what this episode of my Cash Flow Diary podcast is all about. It’s the second in an eight-part series dedicated to the things you must stop doing immediately if not sooner to allow success to enter your life. (If you didn’t listen to part one, go back and do that now.) The funny (or not-so-funny) thing is that we can all be big negative thinkers from time to time. (That means being our own worst enemy, too, by the way.) Truth is negative thinking kills. It kills opportunities… it kills relationships… it kills deals… it kills goals. So why participate in something that isn’t going to help you ge