Cashflow Diary | Influenced By Robert Kiyosaki Of Rich Dad About Real Estate Investing, Cash Flow And Passive Income.

8 THINGS TO GIVE UP - Don’t be a Fraidy Cat. Fear of Success is NOT an Option… - Replay



You might think it sounds funny, but some people are just as afraid of achieving success as they are of failing. It’s true. That’s what I share with you today in my 7th installment of the 8 Things to Give Up series of my Cash Flow Diary podcast.  Hey, success can be scary. It’s sort of like “senioritis.” You know… where you’ve been going to college for four years and you’re in your final months before graduation. It dawns on you that life outside the campus awaits… Some people seize up while others seize the new adventures ahead. Maybe you’ve known someone struck down by their fear of success? They work really, really hard. They get to a pinnacle of success that causes onlookers to drool. They have the cool house, the nice cars, and the fat bank account… and then suddenly “something” happens and they lose it all.  Why?  The answer can be shocking. Truth is that they subconsciously made that “something” happen. They didn’t feel like they deserved the success. It’s more comfortable for them to live within thei