Cashflow Diary | Influenced By Robert Kiyosaki Of Rich Dad About Real Estate Investing, Cash Flow And Passive Income.

Future Money Trends, Buying Cash Flow, and Financial Independence



Daniel Ameduri is a self-made multi-millionaire, a full-time skeptic of conventional thought, and a proud father of three. He is the cofounder of the Future Money Trends newsletter and, which, with nearly 150,000 subscribers, is the most widely recognized online authority in investment ideas and economic advice.  He’s been featured in The Wall Street Journal, on ABC World News Tonight, and on Russia Today TV. Daniel correctly predicted the collapse of Lehman Brothers, AIG, and Washington Mutual on “Vision Victory,” the YouTube channel he launched in 2007 and which now has had more than thirteen million views.  Podcast Highlights Who is Daniel Ameduri?  Daniel is a guy that has always been fascinated by money. As a kid Daniel thought of money as a video game and later on as an adult money meant freedom. We’re all told we’re born free but for that to be true you need to be financially independent.  Right out of high school Daniel bought his first rental property but that was completely d