

Questions and Answers   How many units do you have and how long have you been in the business?    J currently has 37 units and has been in the process of getting to this point for nearly 15 years. He had to find a way to make money without trading time for dollars and real estate was the path he took.   How do I have my prices on Lodgify use AirBnB and but ignore the prices on Home Away?   If you’re on the basic plan for Lodgify, it automatically ignores Home Away. J currently still uses the basic plan since the professional plan is still in beta. If you have multiple accounts, you will need to work directly with them to avoid certain errors.   How should we structure a deal for a 100 units if the other party wants to sell the property in five years?   It’s all down to the contract and how the services are signed for. To make things easier, use two separate entities, one for the property and one for the services involved.   How do we add a 0 to our income?   We will never out earn our pers