Make Mine Multiversity

Make Mine Multiversity Episode 93: Mental Organism Designed Only for Kritiquing



This year we've read comics, we've even read a book, but in this episode we are doing neither. This is an episode all about a TV show. A short-lived, pretty fun TV show about everybody's favorite big evil head, MODOK. You know MODOK? The Mental Organism Designed Only for Killing? George Tarelton if you're feeling nasty. Turns out Marvel released a weird animated sitcom about the guy on Hulu. Though now cancelled, we discuss the series highs and lows, as we dream of a future with more MODOK.Still keeping up with our book club? Well get ready for some good old fashioned comics! Our next book club episode is all about Hawkeye. The Matt Fracion/David Aja run to be exact. This is going to be a two parter, so read the first twelve issues for next time. You should read the annual too!