Make Mine Multiversity

Make Mine Multiversity Episode 80: We've Got Duh-Plus



The MCU was on hold for the better part of a year in theaters but a little thing like a massive and devastating pandemic won't grind the Disney machine to a halt, no no no. It just took them a little until they were ready to flood Disney+'s 2021 calendar with Marvel shows. While we try to focus on the comics, the TV and film portion of Marvel is, without a doubt, far more popular and wide-reaching. So, as we are wont to do, we waited until the end of the year to talk about them all.* Join us as we take a trip through 2 films, a bunch of streaming shows, and Jake being baffled that Elias would subject himself to all 10 episodes of Helstrom.Oh, and there's some Heavyweight and Baseline X stuff too but we all know you're here for that sweet, sweet Loki discussion.*Excluding ones aimed at younger kids, two shows we missed as of recording, one film we missed as recording, one film that won't be out until AFTER this episode drops but is still in 2021, and one show which has just started but won't be complete until