Pjc Media

Let's Talk About It /Should all states ban young people from buying semi-guns?



New York voted Thursday to ban anyone age 21 from buying or possessing a semi-automatic rifle, a major change to state firearm laws pushed through less than three weeks after an 18-year old used one of the guns to kill 10 people at a supermarket in Buffalo. Other new legislation will restrict civilian purchases of bullet-restrict armor, which was worn by the killer in Buffalo, and require new guns to be equipped with microstamping technology that can help law enforcement investigators trace bullets to particular firearms. New York already reequires people to be 21 to possess a handgun. Younger people would still be allowed to have other types of rifles and shotguns under the new law, but would be unable to buy the type of fast-firing rifles used by the 18 year old gunmen in the mass shootings in Buffalo and at a Texas elementary school.