Krbn - Internet News Talk Radio

Sometimes there is good news



LIVE TODAY @ 4:00 pm Pacific, It's the Boze Noze Show! Some good news, no Board meeting this week so you are safe from any new county laws, the City of Eugene and Oregon 2022 decided to maintain access to our facilities on MLK Blvd during the marathons and run walks, and I celebrated 40-years of marriage since the last show. But I want to talk about our criminal justice system and a crisis quietly brewing in Oregon. Most people aren't aware of the work our parole officers do and how we work as a system in Lane and other counties to divert people from prison saving millions in public money every year. Unfortunately, COVID shut downs, staffing and funding issues are combining to bring this system into crisis and most Oregonians aren't completely unaware. The results will make us less safe, waste human potential and cost us more in the long run. I hope by bringing this more public we can influence the legislature to prevent the coming crisis. We can also talk about anything else on your mind, just give us a call