Make Mine Multiversity

Make Mine Multiversity Episode 91: All of the Marvels



This is a comic book podcast and sure, there's some talk of movies and TV shows, but a book? With no pictures!? That's right true believers! Today's episode is all about <em>All of the Marvels</em> by Douglas Wolk. The good Mr. Wolk took upon himself the great endeavor of reading every issue of a comic set in the Marvel 616 universe. Then he tried to synthesize that information into something of a coherent book. Was he successful? The two hosts can't even agree! But the discussion that disagreement inspires is fascinating.Still keeping up with our book club? Next time you can tune in for a discussion on the legendary "Hawkeye" comic series by Matt Fraction, David Aja, Annie Wu et al. It's impossible to have a bad time while reading those issues! To follow along, read the first dozen issues and the first annual, and you will be right on target.