Absolute Trust Talk

086: Trust Failures: Don't Let This Happen to You! (Continued!!)



Over the past few years, we’ve seen an influx of trust administration cases. And with nearly every trust and every client, there has unfortunately been some sort of planning failure. Some of them are small, easy fixes, while others are bigger challenges that cost more time and money. The worst part is that they could have been avoided if the right thought process and planning were in place from the start. It’s true there is a lot to think about when it comes to setting up your trust and estate plan, but to truly protect your legacy and beneficiaries, you must think through a variety of scenarios you may not have considered. In this episode of Absolute Trust Talk, Kirsten is joined by fellow Absolute Trust Counsel attorney Madison Gunn for another installment of Trustee Do’s and Don’ts. Kirsten and Madison will be walking through a handful of common mistakes that trustees and executors typically run into. These items include: How to avoid probate even if you have a trust Why it’s important to title your asset