Let's Talk Near Death

Let's Talk Near Death: The NDE of Kat Sanders



Kat Sanders life changed in an instant when she was overun by pain, and felt like she was fading into nothingness.Turns out it was an AVM, an arteriovenous malformation. Kat remembers being outside her body, and in a park. She also connected with her deceased Father. In this episode, Kat explains her journey, and how this experience plays out in her everyday life. Some key topics discussed in this episode include: 3:00 - Kat's story and what she felt before she was taken to the hospital 6:55 - Kat's memory when she had a near-death experience 13:05 - The moment she came back to her body and what she felt 16:49 - Things Kat saw and experienced from that beautiful park 21:08 - How Kat recognized her father and what happened after she saw him. 27:10 - What her life has been like since 35:42 - Kat's spiritual outlook