Repcolite Home Improvement Show

Episode 260: Ticks, Common Paint Questions, and a Journey Down the Rabbit Hole



SEGMENT 1: TICKS It's already tick season! They're gross and their annoying and dangerous . . . but you can avoid them. As long as you've got the right info! SEGMENTS 2 and 3: Common Paint Questions At we have a chat function--like most websites. However, ours is manned entirely by one guy who's always ready with an answer! Peter Ogle runs the chat from 8 AM to 9 PM every weekday and he will go to ridiculous lengths to help customers get the answers they need. Today we talk with Peter about a few of the most common questions he gets. And, he regals us with a story of his most epic chat. SEGMENT 4: Down the Rabbit Hole Coming up on June 1, RepcoLite is hosting our premier yearly event: Down the Rabbit Hole: Finding, and being found by, the next new idea. It's all about creativity and learning how to reignite and recharge your own! And, it's also about free wine and desserts! If you're in the area and would like to join us,