Wednesday Night Services

Flurishing in the Will Of God - Audio



How does Abraham go from believing what God says and leaving his home for an unknown land, to laughing as God speaks His will and plan to him? Learning how Abraham got there will show us how we too went from believing in God for healing a condition or overcoming a financial problem, to despair that we just won’t ever be victorious. The good news in these chapters (Genesis 17-18) is that God put Abraham on a path to overcome his doubts and we can follow it to overcome ours. Abraham thought he understood God’s plan when he started, but found that understanding wasn’t quite working out. His problem began when the understanding he walked in was not the one God needed him to see, and the further he went down that path, the harder it was for him to get back. Do we need to fully understand the plan of God from the beginning? What can we do if we understood something errantly?