Sally Kalan

#244 interview with my ex partner ~ cheating why I did



Ok guys sorry about the poor sound but we didn’t want to redo it as this was authentic and to the point ! I feel so grateful to be in a place of deep peace and healed over the years that I csn even have this type of conversation and grateful rob agreed to share as it’s not easy but I hope this brings some light to what can be going on with our partners ! At the end of the day it wasn’t ok but we are all struggling in different ways and inner trauma manifests so many ways ! Please feel free to comment reach out on my Instagram and let us know if you want more duo podcasts ! Pa the audio quality will be better lol ! Ps ! If you ate interested in healing, getting over an ex , breaking toxic patterns then please Dm to book your free call about my 1.1 coaching program ! It’s a deep dive of epic healing ❤️you are not alone