Wednesday Night Services

Flowing in the Will of God - Audio



Last Wednesday we looked at three reasons why Christians don’t see or understand the will of God for their lives (immaturity, flawed knowledge, and undeveloped faith) and there was interest in going further into this topic to see how we grow and get beyond these road blocks in our understanding and seeing the God’s will and plan for us. In preparing for this, the easiest way to go was to look at more examples of how people who failed overcame, and we will do that. But I also looked at a few examples of people who didn’t fail, but rose to the occasion when God disclosed His will for them. For each, what was asked stretched them, but they didn’t falter. I noticed a pattern that we will do good to study first, as that pattern was lacking in the ones who failed initially. This is a pattern you can expect to repeat when you encounter something in the will of God that stretches you.