Krbn - Internet News Talk Radio

Victoria Doyle running for Springfield City Council



LIVE WEDNESDAY @ 4:00 pm Pacific, It's the Boze Noze Show! My Guest will be Victoria Doyle who is running for Springfield City Council Ward 5. We will find out who Vicky is and why she wants to serve the people of Springfield. We also just might have a conversation about round-a-bouts and Main Street. If we go off-topic and start talking about dogs then you will have to understand we both have a few and like each other's dog posts on Facebook. We can also talk about Dawn, Heather, and Joe voting to increase the pay for Lane County Commissioners that already make well over $100,000 in salary and benefits. Hopefully by Wednesday people will stop talking about a live broadcast of an assault on a millionaire by another millionaire. I predict that their lawyers will get rich in the aftermath. We can also talk about anything else on your mind, just give us a call! The Boze Noze Show is live at 4:00 pm Pacific on Wednesdays. You can listen to the show online (just click the picture below) or on your phone by callin