Absolute Trust Talk

080: Music as Medicine



If you take a look around the next time you’re out in public, chances are you will pass by at least a handful of people with their headphones in. And while there may be many catching up on their favorite podcast, there are just as many that are getting down or chilling out to their favorite tunes. It’s not hard to notice that music can indeed change your mood, like discovering a new song on the way to work that can make your whole day. Or, feeling the nostalgia when you hear the Breakfast Club soundtrack that makes you want to punch a hand up in the air. Music plays a large part in our lives and can influence the way we feel, but did you know that it also has an impact on our health? In a new episode of Absolute Trust Talk, Kirsten is joined by special guest, Dan Cohen. Dan is a long-time social worker and both the founder and CEO of Right to Music - an organization that advocates for integrating music interventions into health care, especially for those in long-term care or with dementia. He also developed t