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Let's Talk About It with Jenny White/Women's History Month Began in 1987.



In February 1980, President Jimmy Carter issued a presidential proclamation declaring the week of March 8, 1980, as National Women's History Week. In 1987, Congress passed a resolution establishing March as Women's History Month. This year 2022, it begins on Tuesday, March 1, and ends on Thursday, March 31. There has been compiled a list of 11 ideas and activities for celebrating Women's & quizzes. Test participants about the history of women; 3)  Identify the progress that has been made by women; 4) Contribute to a Woman's organization; 7) Create a book club of woman authors; 8) Eat or shop at a women owned businesses in your community; 9) This year, consider adding a Women's podcast to your workplace listening rotation; 10) Plan an office event to give back to your community.