Krbn - Internet News Talk Radio

Gas Prices and (un)State of the Union Address



LIVE TODAY @ 4:00 pm Pacific, It's the Boze Noze Show! Wow, what a week! Sooo much to talk about that happened since the last show. Russia invaded Ukraine. The President muddled through reading a State of the Union speech and expressed some desired outcomes that the policies he proposed to get them will do the exact opposite. Like his desire for more manufacturing in the US while proposing to increase corporate tax rates. The legislature wants legal working residents to foot the bill for lawyers for illegal aliens charged with felonies to help keep them from being deported. Gas prices are going up and Pacific Power just put in for an almost 10% rate increase while the local greenies are pushing to ban natural gas. After voting to recommend pay increases for the Commissioners, both Dawn Lesley and Joe Berney deny supporting pay increases for Commissioners. Do they not know the vote was streamed video that is available to the public to watch anytime? We can also talk about anything else on you mind, just give u