Desperate Nightmares From Christ The King, Missouri

Ep. 206 - "Rhapsody In BBQ"



1937. When world champion boxer Duke Belfort returns home to marry his sweetheart, everyone is as happy as can be... everyone, that is, but Mabel Collins, beloved proprietress of Christ The King's favorite barbecue joint. If only Duke could hide their past as well as Mabel hides her secret recipe... Dramatized by Jack Healy Featuring the Christ The King Players Sam Lassiter as Mabel Collins Mat Labotka as Duke Belfort Annie-Sage Whitehurst as Olive Grimm Jonathan Dauermann as Father Grimm Jason Zwick as Walter ...and as always, Willard Fresco as himself Recorded at Christ The King Studios in Brooklyn, NY Narration recorded by Willard Fresco in the basement of Christ The King Second Methodist Church Edited and Mastered by Jack Healy Closing theme by Arrington de Dionyso Opening theme by Arrington de Dionyso and Willard Fresco Additional Music by Franz Liszt Irving Berlin Richard Wagner Pietr Tchaikovsky Kevin MacLeod The Disgraced Reverend William Foster Sound effects from Youtube Audio L