Sell Or Die With Jeffrey Gitomer And Jennifer Gluckow

No Matter How Skilled You Are, You Need Someone to Guide You to Victory



We’ve been around the block when it comes to sales, and chances are, if you’re listening to this you have too. Here’s what I know about selling- you can learn to sell, to a degree. But you will always have blind spots blocking the path to ultimate success. This is why I'm here to encourage you to seek out a sales coach. Think that sounds hokey? Hey, even professional athletes have coaches. Are they experts at their sport? Yes. Do they still need a coach to help them gain perspective on ways to improve? Also yes. And seeking help doesn’t invalidate their skill or expertise. In this episode we talk more about: Why getting a sales coach is important How to not lose focus/capitalize on momentum  Especially if you’re met with big success, it can be easy to want to rest in that. A coach is a great tool to help push you forward and make sure your business is ever-evolving. They can point out areas you never even considered improving or changing, and offer valuable insight on ways to increase audience engagement.