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Worth Fighting For -- Write Stuff -- 2/15/2022



When Salem Shaw locked eyes with Natalia McClinton roughly four years ago, he just knew that he had to have her as his wife. He’d picked wrong in his first marriage, but figured he’d learned, and that the second time would be the charm. No matter how hard Natalia McClinton tried to keep Salem Shaw at an arm’s reach, she still managed to fall hard for him. So hard that she opened her mangled heart up to him, and allowed him to change her last name. What could go wrong with a love that was worth the wait? Fast forward to the present day, and needless to say, the ink has officially dried on their marriage license, the googly eyes have subsided, and the Shaws are in the thick of what it truly means to walk out the vows that they recited to one another. When both Salem and Natalia are tempted to return to skeletons in their pasts, will they forfeit the love that they’ve grown accustomed to, or will they realize that they have something worth fighting for? Join me for our Valentine's Day nod as I chat wit