Heart & Hustle Visionary Healers, Movers & Shakers

Lively Conversation with Paulette Rees-Denis,



Today, Friday another Lively Conversation with me, Paulette Rees-Denis, at 10:30am, right here on FB! Let's talk about stepping into your bravery! right here... https://www.facebook.com/paulettecoach 2/18/22 Today, be brave! Step forward into your desires with courage, with heart. Take a risk. If you get nervous, always ask yourself "What is the worst that could happen?" Let the fear subside and take that first step... That will build your momentum! Movement, momentum, and magic! Bam! You've got this... ❤ ❤ www.paulettereesdenis.com If you, or anyone you know, struggles with this feeling of overwhelm, of being multi-passionate and not wanting to give up on their dreams, of knowing there is more for them to do, to live, to experience, please drop me a message, below, or as a PM. I would love to offer you a free From Chaos to Creativity Discovery Session so I can help you start moving forward into clarity and action for your own creative desire. Life is too short to spend it in that crazy chaos of uncertainty,