Make Mine Multiversity

Make Mine Multiversity Episode 85: Losers Pick Ultimatum



That's right, if you've been following the show, you know Jaina and Elias had a bet. Jaina lost, so now we are reading her least favorite comic ever, Ultimatum by Jeph Loeb and David Finch. It's not all about hate! Well OK, there was a lot to hate in this comic, but there's also tons of research, context, and a deep dive into why this story is such a disaster. In the end. it's all about the question: how does a bad comic get made? Who is to blame? The answer may shock you.Next episode will be all about "X-Men," just in case you were worried there wasn't enough "X-Men" talk. And keep an eye out for our next book club book announcement, which promises to be spectacular.