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Proposed 3% Oregon sales tax is just one of many



Be It Enacted by the People of the State of Oregon: SECTION 1. (1) The Oregon Freedom Pilot Program is established in the Department of Human Services. The purpose of the program is to assist low-income Oregonians to live in dignity by providing monthly payments of $750, using a special debit card, to adults participating in the program. (5) Payments from the Oregon Freedom Pilot Program do not count as income for any state-funded need-based benefits or assistance. News services are saying that "The money collected would be given out to low-income pregnant women and adults who have aged out of the foster youth program." this if false and according to HB 4079 does not mention pregnant women. "Relating to programs to aid low-income adults" "The $750 would come on a debit card and there are no restrictions on what that money can be spent on." UPDATE: 02/08/2022  Great news from Salem today. HB 4079, Oregon's first sales tax, will not move forward and is effectively dead. Due to strong opposition Chair A