Visual Revolutionary

Episode #194: Randall Slavin / Photographer



Celebrity photographer Randall Slavin joins the podcast to talk about growing up in the shadow of Hollywood with early dreams of rock stardom that would morph into dreams of the silver screen, and how that all shifted one day when he walked into a headshot studio across the street from a job he hated and had his life changed by the power of photography. During our conversation we talk about the struggle that was his early acting career and how he loved the immediacy of taking photos, how the early snapshots he took of his group of friends in legendary venues like The Viper Room would become some of his most cherished work, how going on a Safari with Charlize Theron would become a huge jumping off point to the career he’s known for today, how he's evolved over time and slowly thinned out his gear closet and returned to some of the simplicity he loved about photography in the first place, and the advice he gives to others chasing their own dreams. To Learn More About Randall Slavin Visit: https://www.randallsla