The Chase Jarvis Live Show

40 Seconds to Fame or Failure with Olympic Speed Skater Apolo Ohno



In speed skating, a hard pivot is an aggressive turn that requires balance, focus, and courage. Blasting down the ice, shoulder to shoulder with another world-class competitor, blades on his feet, Apolo Ohno began his Olympic career in 2002, eventually winning eight gold medals and becoming the most decorated athlete in US Winter Olympics history. In today's episode, Apolo shares valuable lessons that can be applied to anyone looking to improve performance and make the most of the 86,400 seconds each day. Apolo's new book, Hard Pivot is now available for pre-order. Topics in the conversation: The mind is the most powerful asset or prison What is your identity Anger, rage, insecurities affect even the most successful people The thin line between healthy and unhealthy obsession Geniuses are often called insane until they succeed Imposter syndrome during a career transition Process > prize Personal life lessons and motto include gratitude, giving, goals, grit, taking action Enjoy! Have a question? Text me 1-20