Loud Murmurs

S2 E11: Killing Eve—Finding love in unexpected crime scenes



This week's episode is about "Killing Eve"——one of TV's most glorious cat-and-mouse thriller that subverts all the usual trope of this genre. Forget about the Bechdel test, this show is 99% about three badass women (Eve, Villanelle, Carolyn) and full of brimming sexual tension between our two female protagonists. We are joined by Xiao Meili, a badass her self, (yes, she has her own wikipedia page.) She's a women's rights activist in China and a big fan of 1. spy thrillers in general and 2. love stories between women.In this episode, we dive into why Killing Eve is so different from everything else we've seen on TV, performances and scenes that we love, and more. THIS EPISODE CONTAINS SPOILERS FOR BOTH SEASONS! YOU'VE BEEN WARNED. P.S. You can still donate to us through Patreon. Patrons can join our WeChat listeners group.Find Loud Murmurs in the iTunes podcast store, Google Play, Spotify, 喜马拉雅, and wherever you listen to podcasts (e.g. Pocket Casts, Overcast)! Please su