Pjc Media

Let's Talk About It With Jenny White/How To Turn Pain Into Purpose



Some of the most precious things in life are born from struggle.Nature constantly reminds us that sometimes it takes a breakdown to have a major breakthrough. While there is tremendous pain, suffering and uncertainty all around us, there also is an opportunity for change. Because when things go wrong, there is also a greater opportunity to turn things around for the better. Our difficult seasons can also be a chance for us to change direcctions and let go of what no longer serves us.  Cancer for instance, taught me that we can't always prevent a troubling event from happening, but we can ALWAYS control how we respond. While I would never have chosen the most painful parts of my journey, I am grateful for all my pain has taught me about myself. Trauma transforms us into different versions of ourselves.. Whether these changes are for better or worse is largely up to the choices we make. Look for the silver lining in the situation; get your feelings on paper; shift from anger to forgiveness, and give and get