Ifg Events Podcast

Decoding Page 48: the government’s plan for the constitution



Page 48 of the Conservative manifesto proposed constitutional reforms that included looking at the relationship between the government, Parliament and the courts, the functioning of the Royal Prerogative and repealing the Fixed-term Parliaments Act. What will this constitutional review involve and what might its consequences be? Our panel included: Douglas Carswell, MP for Clacton from 2005 to 2017 and co-founder of Vote Leave. He has recently started the Good Governance Project. Hilary Benn, Chair of the Exiting the EU Committee and former Shadow Leader of the House from 2010-2011. Chris White, managing director of Newington Communications and former Special Adviser to Patrick McLoughlin, Andrew Lansley and William Hague. Catherine Haddon, senior fellow at the Institute for Government. The event was chaired by Hannah White, deputy director at the Institute for Government. There was an opportunity for questions from the audience.