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The Boze Noze Show Hosted by West Lane County Commissioner Jay Bozievich is live at every 4:00 pm Pacific on Wednesdays. LIVE TODAY @ 4:00 pm Pacific, It's the Boze Noze Show! No guest today and I am done with my year in review so let's talk about other things. Our Board will be considering our Climate Action Plan Phase two next week that includes supporting limiting your choice on how you heat your home or cook because natural gas BAD! Oh and the plan fails to take into account the Governors new Climate Protection Plan. The Lane Area Commission on Transportation heard a presentation on the plans to improve the safety of HWY 126 from Eugene to Veneta and the usual Eugene centric anti-car/climate activist are upset it widens the road. Robin is upset it plans for traffic circles. The budget committee also heard from our elected officials compensation board and Joe Berney, Heather Buch and Dawn Lesley all voted to provide a recommendation to give the Commissioners a raise, fortunately it failed to get the requi