Krbn - Internet News Talk Radio

Mask mandates permanent?



LIVE TODAY! @ a 4:00 pm Pacific, It's the Boze Noze Show! On Delta, on Lambda and Mu, now Omicron mask away, mask away all! As Oregon is writing permanent indoor mask mandates, Governor Karen was photographed maskless hugging and talking to people at an indoor fundraising event. I have supported masks as one layer in a multilayered approach to reducing transmissions but with the high vaccination and natural immunity rates do we really still need a mandate? Now that the Board has ignored public input and gerrymandered our Commissioner districts they are moving on to trying to raise your energy and food bills in phase two of the Climate Action Plan. the Board did get an exciting presentation on the possibility of building a mixed waste recycling facility at the Short Mountain landfill. This is an idea I can agree with environmentalist on because it makes good sense and does not need a government subsidy as it pays for itself over time with the value of recovered materials. We can also talk about what you want t