Philo Gubb, Correspondence-School Detective by BUTLER, Ellis Parker

Dietz’s 7462 Bessie John



Philo Gubb, not being content with his job as wallpaper-hanger, has higher aspirations: to become a detective, just like Sherlock Holmes. To that end, he enrolls in a correspondence course, where he gets lessons through the mail as well as the necessary disguises for a detective. Philo Gubb, not being really clever or intuitive, or even looking good in those disguises, gets involved in one case after the other - and sooner or later happens to stumble on and solve the crime..Each of these stories is a complete mystery unto itself so if you read just one, you will know its beginning and the unorthodox methods by which Philo Gubb, Correspondence-School Detective solves it using his woeful deteckative (as he puts it) skills (Summary by Availle and Phil Chenevert)